A new and natural way of tackling cat anxiety and stress in all pets
Several years of research and trials have resulted in a unique formula using low concentration Valerian essential oil, blended with Vetiver, Sweet Basil, and Sage
Locate the plug diffuser in room where your pet spends the most time.
Ambient and constant slow release makes Pet Remedy all the more effective.
Can be used for all pets including cats, dogs, birds and reptiles.
Starts to help instantly and will help with separation anxiety, bonding, fireworks, new home, bereavement, new pet in home, and any other stressful situation.
The amazing Essential Plug In Diffuser from Pet Remedy contains a natural attractant which helps distract pets from environmental stress.
In times of anxiety or stress in our pets the nerves tend to get over stimulated, which will lead to many symptoms of stress.
The Essential Calming Diffuser has blends of essential oils which help to naturally relax anxious and stressed pets.
Pet Remedy works by providing a highly attractive environmental scent that pets like cats and dogs respond to. In times of stress or anxiety our pets can get over stimulated, which leads on to the many different signs of stress we see in them.
The special Pet Remedy blend of essential oils is valerian based and works by distracting pets from environmental stress.
Cats, dogs and other pets have highly developed olfactory systems and are particularly capable of detecting volatile scents.
The living environment of pets largely determines their quality of life and the importance of environmental scents is recognized as a key factor in helping anxious or stressed pets feel calmer and more relaxed.
Easy to use
Clinically proven Ideal for pets including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, rodents and birds.
Plug-in and let the natural calming properties slow release into the surrounding area
Starts to help immediately
Helps calm pet without sedating Helps pet become more attentive and receptive to you
Lasts up to 8 weeks so good value
Works for all pets in household Coverage up to 60m2 (650 sq ft) (large room)
Refill bottles available
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