1.8 kg
Sold out $32.79
Promo: 20% Off
Perfect for puppies’ ever changing needs, our grain-free Salmon Bleu puppy food blends the nutritional richness of Wild Pacific salmon with tangy cranberries and health-boosting probiotics in a recipe that makes a great alternative to chicken, beef and lamb foods. Salmon Bleu is made only with pure wild salmon and contains absolutely no grain filler. Wild Pacific salmon is great for puppies because of its high levels of super healthy Omega 3 fatty acids, which help keep puppies’ skin and coats in optimum condition. We also add sun-kissed cranberries to this recipe for their high levels of antioxidants, and healthy probiotics to assist your puppy’s digestive health.
With probiotics that help support the digestive system and help it function properly
Supports the immune system to keep your inquisitive young pup fighting fit
Made in easy-to-eat kibble pieces
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